
"Recipe for a Silent Child," Passionfruit Review, 2024

"Minor Planets," Bulb Culture Collective, 2024 

"Finis" and "Seaside Heights,"  Red Ogre Review, 2023.

"Faded," Stone Circle Review, 2023. 

"Garden Walk," hand picked poetry, 2022.

"Ode to a Comet" and "After the Storm," Five Fleas, 2022.

"After the Funeral," WomenArts Quarterly Journal, 2019.

"The Lost Pleiad," in Celestial Musings: Poems Inspired by the Night Sky, an anthology published by Ball State University, 2019.

"Extended Thirst Relief" and "Why I Am Not a Dog Lover," Out of Anonymity, 2018.

"Sandpipers Mating," Zone 3, 2018.

"That's my Last," Millwork, 2018.

"There Would Be Feathers" and "To Celebrate the Baby," Ekphrastic Review, 2018.

"Consolations after a Birth," Zingara, 2017.

"Elsewhere," Rust & Moth, 2017 

"Nameless," Rising Phoenix Review, 2017.

"Snow Globe," Calamus Journal, 2017.

"Still Life with Cattle Egrets," Silver Birch Press, 2017.

"Strangler Fig" and "Solitude," Burningword Literary Journal, 2017.

"The Bees" and "Vacancy," Blue River Review, 2017.

"Currents," Gyroscope Review, 2015.

"Minor Planets," The Evansville Review, 2015.

"Loxahatchee Blues," Synecdoche, 2014.

"Tuesday Morning on the Downtown E Train," Lime Hawk, 2014.